
Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Direct to Garment Printing (DTG) is a process when the water-based ink is printed directly to textile. DTG technology is suitable for mass production or unique short production runs with a high-quality result. The advantage of DTG is that is easy to print with almost no setup time.

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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Roland DTF TY-300

Unleash unparalleled DTF performance and productivity with the TY-300. This powerful and reliable direct-to-film printer...
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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Roland VersaSTUDIO BY-20

DTF Printer
With the VersaSTUDIO BY-20, you get DTF (direct-to-film) printing solution. Enhancing apparel with detailed, eye-catching...
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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Epson SureColor SC-F2200

DTF & DTG Printer
Der SureColor SC-F2100 bietet ein komplettes DTG-Paket (Direct-To-Garment) zum Entwerfen und Drucken von T-Shirts,...
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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Nanodiy Advanced Plus i3200H 45cm

The Nanodiy Advanced Plus i1600H 45cm prints with a resolution 720×2400dpi, with printing speed of 5-8m2/h with an automatic...
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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Nanodiy Advanced Plus i3200H 45cm

DTF Printer
The Nanodiy Advanced Plus i3200H 45cm prints with a resolution 720×2400dpi, with printing speed of 5-8m2/h with an automatic...
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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Nanodiy Premium i3200H 60cm

DTF Printer
The Nanodiy Premium i3200H 60cm (CMYK + FLUO Orange Green Pink Yellow + W) DTF prints with a resolution 720×1800dpi, with...
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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Nanodiy Premium i3200H 60cm

DTF Printer
The Nanodiy Advanced Plus i3200H 60cm DTF prints with a resolution 720×1800dpi, with printing speed of 4-5m2/h with an...
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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Nanodiy Premium i3200H 60cm

DTF Printer
The Nanodiy Advanced Plus i3200H 45cm DTF prints with a resolution 720×2400dpi, with printing speed of 5-8m2/h with an...
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Textildirektdrucker (DTG & DTF)

Epson SureColor SC-F3000

DTG Printer
Der SureColor SC-F3000 ist ein zuverlässiger, produktiver Textil-Direktdrucker. Mit der vielseitigen Textil-Direktdrucklösung...
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